Try Sailing with SailPass

SailPass is a way to try sailing without becoming a full club member and includes registration with Australian Sailing giving you an AS number that is associated with your training and certifications for the future. SailPass also provides you with insurance coverage if you are injured and are not covered by private health insurance.

Step 1 - Contact Us

Contact the PMYC through Facebook or email and we can put you in touch with a yacht owner or crew coordinator.

Step 2 - A yacht owner / crew coordinator will contact you.

They will assist you with details like

  • Where to meet the yacht and how to get onboard.
  • Tell you what to bring and PPE that you should bring.
  • What the expectations are for the event such as conditions, food etc
  • Assist you in completing registration for the event with a SailPass.

Step 3 - Register with SailPass

You can purchase a SailPass for one or more days through the normal membership process here -> Membership  Payments are direct debit to the club through an invoice system. Please ensure that you have registered and paid prior to attending the event. If the event is cancelled a credit will be facilitated or refund to your nominated account.

Your registration provides you with a National Australian Sailing Number that will be linked to any training completed and accreditations. The AS number can also be used at other sailing and yachting clubs that participate in the SailPass scheme from Australian Sailing. You can look up your AS number through the Australian Sailing Number Finder located here Lookup AS Numbers

Step 4 - Full Membership

SailPass membership fees also count towards full membership with the registration fee reduced by the amount already paid. Check out the current prices on the Membership page.

Why can't the PMYC get me on a yacht directly?  

The PMYC cannot allocate crews onto yachts as they are privately owned and cannot accept legal liability for crew allocation. The skipper of a yacht is responsible for the safety of the yacht and crew.

Why have I not been contacted by a Skipper? 

Yacht Racing is a team sport, and many yachts have permanent crew that are experienced in their role. Occasionally yachts may have crew vacancies however the demand for positions far exceeds the availability of crew positions on yachts.